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Home of AFK (Active Frontline Klan) and IRMA (It Really Means AFK)

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 steamwheedle_sniper's application for AFK/IRMA

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2 posters
Tier 2 - T18

Posts : 5
Join date : 2016-05-04

steamwheedle_sniper's application for AFK/IRMA Empty
PostSubject: steamwheedle_sniper's application for AFK/IRMA   steamwheedle_sniper's application for AFK/IRMA EmptyTue Feb 28, 2017 8:12 pm

Old candidate from last year(maximum_ninja)
WR:56% avg dmg 1129
Looking forward to work with you guys, and I will do my best to improve the clan reputation as well as my account stats
Interested in tanks with less armor, fast mobility, and great accuracy.
Normally hunt alone, work better with platoons.
Link to blitzstar
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Tier 4 - Matilda

Posts : 36
Join date : 2016-02-16
Age : 26
Location : God's own county - Yorkshire.

steamwheedle_sniper's application for AFK/IRMA Empty
PostSubject: Re: steamwheedle_sniper's application for AFK/IRMA   steamwheedle_sniper's application for AFK/IRMA EmptyTue Feb 28, 2017 11:10 pm

Glad you found the forum ok again mate. 
May I just add a little more perspective to steamwheedle's application:
I've know him in game almost as long as I've been playing and is always up for a chat, even when I've had to turn his platoon requests down on the odd occasion. 

Its over to the admin team now I guess, best of luck!
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steamwheedle_sniper's application for AFK/IRMA
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