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Home of AFK (Active Frontline Klan) and IRMA (It Really Means AFK)

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 Application to afk/Irma

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3 posters
Tier 1 - Loltractor

Posts : 3
Join date : 2017-01-12

Application to afk/Irma Empty
PostSubject: Application to afk/Irma   Application to afk/Irma EmptyThu Jan 12, 2017 2:35 pm

Hi, I'm wondering if you guys have any openings for new members. I'm currently in the same clan I was in when I first downloaded the game a year ago but the clan only has a handful of active members. I play an average of 25 battles per day and have a winrate of 54% which has been increasing weekly, however I enjoy platooning and my current clan only has 1-2 player who I can platoon with and lately I feel like I need to be part of a more active clan to further my development.

About me...

I'm Mathew

I'm 33yo from Durham England who's been into gaming since as long as I can remember. I played online poker professionally for 5-6 years until we were expecting our first child and an occupation with guaranteed monthly income was more desired. I then worked with autistic young adults for a couple of years until our second child was born. When my partner returned to work after maternity I left my job to care for our two young children.

Thanks for your time and hope to hear from you soon.
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Rossolancer [Tony]
Tier 9: Tortoise
Rossolancer [Tony]

Posts : 704
Join date : 2015-11-06
Location : Cotswolds, England

Application to afk/Irma Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application to afk/Irma   Application to afk/Irma EmptyThu Jan 12, 2017 4:47 pm

Thanks for your application chipstar, when the deputies see this they will discuss and vote on your app and get back to you in a few days with their answer. Good luck. In the meantime add me ingame and we can have a few games together!
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Tier 1 - Loltractor

Posts : 3
Join date : 2017-01-12

Application to afk/Irma Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application to afk/Irma   Application to afk/Irma EmptyThu Jan 12, 2017 5:11 pm

Thx for the quick reply, added you.
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Kong_79 [Matt]
Kong_79 [Matt]

Posts : 834
Join date : 2015-11-14
Age : 45
Location : Best Yorkshire

Application to afk/Irma Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application to afk/Irma   Application to afk/Irma EmptySat Jan 14, 2017 12:30 am

Another Matt from Yorkshire... hmm... probably a shoe in!

Although you could do with another T in your name. One is not enough.
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PostSubject: Re: Application to afk/Irma   Application to afk/Irma Empty

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