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Home of AFK (Active Frontline Klan) and IRMA (It Really Means AFK)

Hy! Welcome to AFK and IRMA ;)This is the official forum for AFK and IRMA members, and tankers interested in joining us.
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 Application to AFK/IRMA

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Application to AFK/IRMA Empty
PostSubject: Application to AFK/IRMA   Application to AFK/IRMA EmptySat Jan 21, 2017 1:38 am

Hy, i am markush100 (male 14 years old) I have played since 2014 but havent played from 2015 to september 2016. I was an active forum member and recently got back into the game. I am not happy with my clan because activity is low. Was a part of LGN in the early days. Would like to join AFK/IRMA because i am a laid back noob who enjoys (most of the time) this game.
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Application to AFK/IRMA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application to AFK/IRMA   Application to AFK/IRMA EmptySat Jan 21, 2017 2:51 am

Hy, me again, i saw from other posts that you normally ask people to tell a little more about themselves. So i'll spare you and me time and get to the point.. I really like tanks, not just in WoT. I recently got back to WoT and joined a clan consisting of other fellow Macedonians. It was Ok, but the clan was dead with mostly low tier players that never used the clan chat. I wanted a clan where i don't need to be competitive, and where everyone is active. AFK/IRMA seemed perfect. So i hope that is enough http://cdn.forum.wot
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Posts : 442
Join date : 2015-11-07
Location : I'm Neal

Application to AFK/IRMA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application to AFK/IRMA   Application to AFK/IRMA EmptySat Jan 21, 2017 12:19 pm

Hi Markush, many thank for your application.   We've had a large influx of new members recently and we have an on going discussion as to how we move forward as a two clans.   The deputies are all involved in the selection process so it may take us a few days to get back to you with an answer.
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Posts : 442
Join date : 2015-11-07
Location : I'm Neal

Application to AFK/IRMA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application to AFK/IRMA   Application to AFK/IRMA EmptyMon Jan 23, 2017 9:22 am

Since we have had a large number of new members join us recently the deputies have decided that for now we are no longer taking in new applications.  Many thank for your application and we hope you find a good clan soon.
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Application to AFK/IRMA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application to AFK/IRMA   Application to AFK/IRMA EmptyTue Jan 24, 2017 5:56 pm

I understand.. Though i would still be happy to join if you choose to accept new members again..
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Application to AFK/IRMA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application to AFK/IRMA   Application to AFK/IRMA Empty

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