My username is Ultradalek7, and I am well aware now that it's a cringe-worthy and stupid name. Unfortunately, I don't have the gold to change it, so...there ya go. Anyway, I have been playing WoT Blitz on-and-off ever since its release on iOS, and found the game to be a lot of fun! Unfortunately, I ground my way up the tech trees too fast, and thus found myself increasingly outmatched. On several occasions, I felt deluded enough to believe things like the 'rigged game' conspiracy theory and frustrated enough to take long breaks from the game, one of which almost lasted a whole year. However, I kept coming back, because this game appeals to that which I love the most; playable WW2 (and sort-of-beyond) tank action.
My winrate at the moment is around 52.7%, for those who are curious. I have improved over the years...perhaps not by much, but I have improved enough to know a lot of basic tactics; wiggling and angling my vehicle to make it more difficult for the opponent to hit weak-spots, aiming for opponent's tracks, lower hull fronts, sides and (once in a blue moon) rear, going hull-down by hiding behind small mounds or on a hillside to make oneself a smaller target, and even a method of limited peek-a-booming with turretless TDs around corners. I also try to lessen lemming trains by moving with them, but diverting slightly to the left or right of them in an attempt to encourage spreading out. My preferred tank types to play as are Heavies and Tank destroyers, as I like to pack heavy armour and/or firepower, and am not so much concerned about speed unless the armour's really thin or useless.
I've had a few platoons before, and I was even a member of the EMPROS clan. I quit that because I needed more time for my studies, but now I've got much more time for gaming!
When I began my recent search for a clan, I was convinced that I needed to learn from epic players to stand a chance in this game. However, after learning the core values of your clan, I realised that what I want most of all is just to have fun and embrace my noobness. I'll still try my damnedest, mind you, but now with a hint of 'not-giving-a-damn'.
TL:DR; Let-me-join-your-clan-or-you-will-be-ex-ter-min-a-ted!