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Home of AFK (Active Frontline Klan) and IRMA (It Really Means AFK)

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 Application for joining IRMA clan.

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Application for joining IRMA clan. Empty
PostSubject: Application for joining IRMA clan.   Application for joining IRMA clan. EmptyThu Mar 02, 2017 11:13 am

Hi, my ING is Luka_12090 I am from LEGN2 clan. I was told by the leader of the IRMA clan to send an application. I want to join this clan because it is very good and a friend of mines is in it (xMachima).
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Application for joining IRMA clan. Empty
PostSubject: Detailed application for IRMA   Application for joining IRMA clan. EmptyThu Mar 02, 2017 11:37 am

Hi, so this is my detailed application for IRMA.
My name is Luke, I'm 17 years old. I play WoT Blitz daily. The reason why I want to join this clan is that I heard it's a really good clan. And the reason why I want to leave LEGN2 is because almost every time only 4 or 5 of us show up for the tournament. I'm very active on Discord. I always respond to platoon requests. And I enjoy platooning through discord. The reason why my wr is only 50% is because I farm a lot. I have 6.5K games played. My favourite tier X tank is my T110E5 (xMachima showed me how to play it and now I'm really good at it). I show up on every tournament if you don't belive me ask Roy (the leader of LEGN2). I'm very friendly and I really enjoy playing Blitz. Looking foward to your respond :) .
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Rossolancer [Tony]
Tier 9: Tortoise
Rossolancer [Tony]

Posts : 704
Join date : 2015-11-06
Location : Cotswolds, England

Application for joining IRMA clan. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application for joining IRMA clan.   Application for joining IRMA clan. EmptyWed Mar 15, 2017 12:04 am

Hy Luke
Apologies for the long delay. 
The deputies are now voting and you will have an answer in 3 days from now. 
Good luck.
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Rossolancer [Tony]
Tier 9: Tortoise
Rossolancer [Tony]

Posts : 704
Join date : 2015-11-06
Location : Cotswolds, England

Application for joining IRMA clan. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application for joining IRMA clan.   Application for joining IRMA clan. EmptyWed Mar 22, 2017 3:42 pm

Hi Luke

Apologies for the long delay.

Unfortunately you haven't received enough deputies votes so your application is declined for now! 

Good luck with your search for a clan. 

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Application for joining IRMA clan. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application for joining IRMA clan.   Application for joining IRMA clan. Empty

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