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Home of AFK (Active Frontline Klan) and IRMA (It Really Means AFK)

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 Third time lucky?!?! Application

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4 posters
Tier 1 - Loltractor

Posts : 3
Join date : 2017-02-04

Third time lucky?!?! Application  Empty
PostSubject: Third time lucky?!?! Application    Third time lucky?!?! Application  EmptySat Feb 04, 2017 10:41 pm

Hello fellow gamers, My name is Teddy, I'm 39 and I'm from London. I'm interested in joining your clan as I've heard nothing but good stuff about you from Chip-star who was in an alliance with me before he joined you.
I work as an instructor operator for London Underground ( here comes all the hate ;( )
where I drive trains and teach others too. I got hooked on Blitz but I'm an average player hoping to learn from others and also share what I've learned. More importantly, I want to join a group where people have a laugh and take our minds of real life stresses.
I'm in my current alliance since I began playing but it's not that active and I've stayed this long purely from a sense of loyalty and when it came to platooning, the one guy ( Chip) that was almost always available packed his bags.
My nick in game is Noobstomping ( a nick that stuck from games that I used to play ... although it used to be Noobstomper) and I'm 53.35% on W/R
So, I am willing to wash all your tanks in your garages once a week if you'd be kind enough to allow me to join you.
Thank you for your time!
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The_Lone_Hunterz [Niels]
Tier 10: E100
The_Lone_Hunterz [Niels]

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Third time lucky?!?! Application  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Third time lucky?!?! Application    Third time lucky?!?! Application  EmptySat Feb 04, 2017 10:44 pm

Hey man,

Thanks for your application.

Curently we are quite full on members, and we'll have to decide on a short term whether we'll make a third clan or not.

You did write a good application, so I'll see to it you will be put up to vote.

Good luck, Hunterz
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Tier 1 - Loltractor

Posts : 3
Join date : 2017-01-12

Third time lucky?!?! Application  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Third time lucky?!?! Application    Third time lucky?!?! Application  EmptySat Feb 04, 2017 10:54 pm

noob and I have found our selves in the situation. Our previous alliance wasn't very active and we used to do all our platooning together. As we both realised the need to be part of an alliance that loves the game as much as we do, noob would like to follow me and join afk. Having played and chatted to noob since I began playing wotb I highly recommend him as a player and friend.
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Tier 1 - Loltractor

Posts : 3
Join date : 2017-02-04

Third time lucky?!?! Application  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Third time lucky?!?! Application    Third time lucky?!?! Application  EmptySat Feb 04, 2017 11:08 pm

Thank you for the prompt reply and your consideration.
As for you chip, tears started rolling down my cheeks as I remembered all the times we drove tanks to the petrol station and forgot to use diesel! :-p
Thanks for the recommendation!
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Rossolancer [Tony]
Tier 9: Tortoise
Rossolancer [Tony]

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Third time lucky?!?! Application  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Third time lucky?!?! Application    Third time lucky?!?! Application  EmptyTue Feb 07, 2017 5:33 pm

Noob! (We need to find another way of addressing you) 
You will have your answer by 9pm tonight, please be online then if you are able!
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Tier 1 - Loltractor

Posts : 3
Join date : 2017-02-04

Third time lucky?!?! Application  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Third time lucky?!?! Application    Third time lucky?!?! Application  EmptyTue Feb 07, 2017 5:47 pm

Thanks for getting back to me. I'm taking ownership of 'Noob' and I'm cool with being called that to be honest ;)
When people rage and say noob ... I say " yep... that's me!"
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