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Home of AFK (Active Frontline Klan) and IRMA (It Really Means AFK)

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 Application for joining IRMA

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2 posters

Application for joining IRMA Empty
PostSubject: Application for joining IRMA   Application for joining IRMA EmptyMon Jan 09, 2017 7:14 pm

Good day,
Ive been advised to start a new topic, not where I originally posted my application. Sorry about that.

My friends Alison, xMachima and dying_of_the_light recently joined your clan. I was also a member of LEGN and I have now left. I would like to join in with my friends and create a new clanship with you. Im an active player, love tooning and very friendly. I'm 24. Thank for your time. Any more information i can give you let me know, im glad to help.
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Kong_79 [Matt]
Kong_79 [Matt]

Posts : 834
Join date : 2015-11-14
Age : 45
Location : Best Yorkshire

Application for joining IRMA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application for joining IRMA   Application for joining IRMA EmptyMon Jan 09, 2017 11:33 pm

Hy Doomsday, could you tell us a little more about yourself? Also, why you left Legn? You dont have to go into too much detail.
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Frodo Nifinger
Tier 7: Comet
Frodo Nifinger

Posts : 169
Join date : 2016-03-14
Age : 59
Location : Denmark

Application for joining IRMA Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application for joining IRMA   Application for joining IRMA EmptyTue Jan 10, 2017 2:51 am

Yes please tell a bit more about yourself.
Likes and dislikes!
Where you are from and such
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Application for joining IRMA Empty
PostSubject: Application for joining IRMA   Application for joining IRMA EmptyTue Jan 10, 2017 8:31 am

Hi there.

Okay. So this is the part where the teacher asks everyone to talk about themselves? haha.

I am from South Africa. I am 24 years old. i am an extreme car fanatic. I enjoying playing WOTB. I play from time to time the pc version. But i find it alittle overwhelming. I really enjoy tooning and training rooms where more advaned players tell us their secrets to success. I also part with any information i find useful. I've played in 2 tournamnets, Tier 7 and and tier 10. I love my Leopard one, i Had a 6.5k damage yesterday (Pure luck) :).

Reasons for leaving. Well as i dont want to bad mouth anyone. The clan had a family vibe to it which i loved. made those days of when the game makes you want to throw your tab against the wall easier to deal with. Infortunately, i have the utmost resepect for the people in my proir clan, but lets say some issues were constantly misshandled, and most of my good friends have left and no longer feels like a family. Those good friends have joined you, Im hoping to reunite with them and expand this family into IRMA and once more have a supportive and family vive clanship.

active on discord too. i also enjoy asking for advice and how i may play better. I'm new in my Is7, so i may bug everyone to help me out! Most importantly, im friendly and my allegiance goes to my friends above all. Therefore i would love a clan with friends, and be able to create new freinds in IRMA.

My favourite colour is blue!!!

(P.S, you said the more the better, so here is my essay!!)
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