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Home of AFK (Active Frontline Klan) and IRMA (It Really Means AFK)

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 Application for joining IRMA/ AFK

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2 posters

Application for joining IRMA/ AFK Empty
PostSubject: Application for joining IRMA/ AFK   Application for joining IRMA/ AFK EmptySun Jan 08, 2017 5:07 pm

Welcome to everybody, who will read this application. I am xMachima from Clan LEGN. I and a 3 other members want to leave the clan becouse of some issues with our clan leader. The 3 other people are Alison_bootle (female, 35 years old), GColumbu (male, 17 years old) " and Dying_of_the_Light (above 20, male).
I am male and 18 years old. I have clan war experience and clan war commander experience, can speak 3 languages.
We're searching a friendly clan with an family feeling. I think the most important information are above. If I forgot something to tell you just ask, I'm an open minded guy.

Thank you for your time, I hope for a great future!!!
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Frodo Nifinger
Tier 7: Comet
Frodo Nifinger

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Join date : 2016-03-14
Age : 59
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Application for joining IRMA/ AFK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application for joining IRMA/ AFK   Application for joining IRMA/ AFK EmptySun Jan 08, 2017 6:05 pm

Thank you for your application!
Allow us for a couple of days to get the voting done and we will get back to you!
Where do you come from? AFK/IRMA sports people from all over even one from Asia, some from Lithuenia and Malta to Ireland in the west. Norway and Sweden in the north
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Application for joining IRMA/ AFK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application for joining IRMA/ AFK   Application for joining IRMA/ AFK EmptySun Jan 08, 2017 6:52 pm

I'm from Poland but live in Germany for 11 years now. I have no problem with anyone becouse he's from a specific country, I hate racism. It's one of the reasons why I like your clan. I heard a lot about you and it was only good stuff.
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Ohidontcare1 (Rory)
Tier 7: Comet
Ohidontcare1 (Rory)

Posts : 194
Join date : 2015-11-08
Age : 58
Location : Derbyshire

Application for joining IRMA/ AFK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application for joining IRMA/ AFK   Application for joining IRMA/ AFK EmptySun Jan 08, 2017 7:44 pm

Thanks xmachima 
Any chance to hear from the others. A bit more about them etcetc
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Application for joining IRMA/ AFK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application for joining IRMA/ AFK   Application for joining IRMA/ AFK EmptySun Jan 08, 2017 9:00 pm

They can all speak English. Which is I think is important. They are all friendly. Alison_bootle is Irish, GColumbu is Romanian, Dying_of_the_Light is Englisch. I know more about them but it's to much personal. At the and of the day they always made me a smile on the face in the voice chat. Whatever it was, trash talk or roasting ourselves we always have fun and don't take stuff is said about us serious in the first moment.
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Application for joining IRMA/ AFK Empty
PostSubject: to join my fellow friends    Application for joining IRMA/ AFK EmptySun Jan 08, 2017 11:46 pm

Good day. 
Please may i join in with my friends xMachima, Alison and dying of the light in applying to your clan. I have also left LEGN due to some issues. Im from South Africa.
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Application for joining IRMA/ AFK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application for joining IRMA/ AFK   Application for joining IRMA/ AFK EmptySun Jan 08, 2017 11:48 pm

Im from South Africa. 24 years old. a friendly person. also a noob trying to improve!!
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