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 Upcoming ICE Events

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King Hades 42
Tier 7: Comet
King Hades 42

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Location : County Cork, Ireland

Upcoming ICE Events Empty
PostSubject: Upcoming ICE Events   Upcoming ICE Events EmptyWed Aug 17, 2016 12:37 am

Hy all!
This thread will be updated with the dates of when the next Inter Clan Events are on. Some folks missed it the last time, so keep an eye on this thread and you shouldnt miss it the next time.

Next ICE: Saturday, 20th August, 7PM GMT (Irish/British Time)

Ts server is: ts.clan-phoenix.com

Here is the link to the ICE thread on the WoTB forums, if you dont know what all this talk of frozen water is about :). http://forum.wotblitz.eu/index.php?/topic/15728-ice-inter-clan-events/page__fromsearch__1

The whole show is run by Phoenix, and Amaunet is the boss of the whole show, so dont annoy her, because they will ban you from the TS server. Its basically just countdown battles with the majority of the clans that arent nobodies, like PHNX, VG, us, etc. there are a few exceptions of those who dont attend of course, but not many. So in the battles, its mostly a mix of randoms and unicums, sometimes you miss the countdown, or even when you do get it, you dont meet any ICE participants. Its great fun, can be stressful for some, but it sure isnt good for your credit balance or your WR. Its a nice change to the regular gameplay because theres less people on the teams who couldnt find their arse in the dark without a map and flashlight.

You can also use this thread if you dont have teamspeak and you need a toonmate who can get you into the battles. That way you can plan ahead. The thread is also a good way of making sure AFK is represented in ICE, because weve always had a presence in it, and we should keep it that way. 

P.S. If I forget about updating this, just message me, I do tend to forget about this sort of thing.

Last edited by King Hades 42 on Wed Aug 17, 2016 4:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dassem_Ultor_ [Kjetil]
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Dassem_Ultor_ [Kjetil]

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Upcoming ICE Events Empty
PostSubject: Re: Upcoming ICE Events   Upcoming ICE Events EmptyWed Aug 17, 2016 11:56 am

yay! I'll be there!

Its the perfect event for me because:
- It goes over all tiers, so its a reason to pull out tanks that have been collecting dust too long.
- Its regular matches, so I can grind my XP while doing it
- PHNX ts chat is hilarious! Worth listening to even if you cant play! :D
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Tier 3 - Pz. IV A

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Upcoming ICE Events Empty
PostSubject: Re: Upcoming ICE Events   Upcoming ICE Events EmptyWed Aug 17, 2016 7:22 pm

I would like to participate but not from beginning. I will probably be able to join at 8pm London time. Kid goes to sleep, father can have some fun :)
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King Hades 42
Tier 7: Comet
King Hades 42

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Location : County Cork, Ireland

Upcoming ICE Events Empty
PostSubject: Re: Upcoming ICE Events   Upcoming ICE Events EmptyThu Aug 18, 2016 2:25 am

rwpanther wrote:
I would like to participate but not from beginning. I will probably be able to join at 8pm London time. Kid goes to sleep, father can have some fun :)
Thats perfectly fine, ICE continues into 2AM and later a lot of the time lol. The majority of people join after 7 and stay for however long they want.
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Schlarb [Lars]
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Schlarb [Lars]

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Upcoming ICE Events Empty
PostSubject: Re: Upcoming ICE Events   Upcoming ICE Events EmptyFri Aug 19, 2016 11:52 am

I will probably (hopefully) get home slightly drunk later in the evening and join in. 

Drunk, noobish and with creds to spare - I´m the perfect victim...
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