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 guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread

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Y4533N [Yaseen]
Kong_79 [Matt]
The_Lone_Hunterz [Niels]
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PostSubject: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptySun Nov 08, 2015 6:18 pm

hy all
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Tier 2 - T18

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guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyWed Feb 03, 2016 9:36 am

OMG you have a Phoenix Spammer thread, I'm so touched I may cry! 

Hy AFK [url=http://www.4smi
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The_Lone_Hunterz [Niels]
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The_Lone_Hunterz [Niels]

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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyWed Feb 03, 2016 9:37 am

Hy phoenix, Huwie wanted it
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Tier 2 - T18

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guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyWed Feb 03, 2016 9:39 am

I believe Huwie is very smart, he wanted a buffer thread so Phoenix can spam it instead of spamming the whole forum :P 
I tried to do that in our forum, but it failed miserably , the whole forum is a spam
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The_Lone_Hunterz [Niels]
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The_Lone_Hunterz [Niels]

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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyWed Feb 03, 2016 9:42 am

Lol, make yourself at home, and don't be afraid to spam the forum!
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Kong_79 [Matt]
Kong_79 [Matt]

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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyWed Feb 03, 2016 1:31 pm

Hyy back2black guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread 4104568436
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Y4533N [Yaseen]
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Y4533N [Yaseen]

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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyWed Feb 03, 2016 2:53 pm

Hy b2b - feel free to go wild - that was why we created a separate  setion for spamming rather than the whole fourm hehe
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guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyWed Feb 03, 2016 2:55 pm

Oh no! Who invited Phoenix. :)
Might need to contract in BBV
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Y4533N [Yaseen]
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Y4533N [Yaseen]

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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyWed Feb 03, 2016 2:56 pm

Loool bbv is technically AFK at heart since he reviews the forum like once a Month then goes back to being AFK ;P
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Tier 2 - T18

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guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyWed Feb 03, 2016 5:50 pm

Huwie wrote:
Oh no! Who invited Phoenix. :)
Might need to contract in BBV
I don't know what happened or how I found myself here, but I know who is to blame...
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guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyMon Feb 29, 2016 3:23 am

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The_Lone_Hunterz [Niels]
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The_Lone_Hunterz [Niels]

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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyMon Feb 29, 2016 8:20 am

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Tier 1 - Loltractor

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guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread Empty
PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyThu Jun 02, 2016 9:55 pm

Hey guys, any advice on how to which sector of the tank is the weakest and recieves the most damage when shot!
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Tier 8: IS-6

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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyFri Jun 03, 2016 12:03 am

WillHolyoakeBrown wrote:
Hey guys, any advice on how to which sector of the tank is the weakest and recieves the most damage when shot!

Every tank is different. As a general rule the rear and sides are always going to be weaker than the front. The turret will also generally be stronger than the hull.

I presume you know that you can tell the weaker spots when you look at a tank in sniper mode and see the different colours of the hit skin. Red = strong armour.

You can also try downloading the Armour Inspector app. It's a very comprehensive guide to every tank in Blitz and its armour profile and weaknesses.

Have fun http://cdn.forum.wot
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Kong_79 [Matt]
Kong_79 [Matt]

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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyFri Jun 03, 2016 12:26 am

Yeah, what the Cornishman said, only in English.
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The_Lone_Hunterz [Niels]
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The_Lone_Hunterz [Niels]

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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyFri Jun 03, 2016 11:54 am

Kong don't be so mean, can't you see he is trying?
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Tier 1 - Loltractor

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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyFri Jun 03, 2016 12:32 pm

Yeah there was a typing mistake, i was going to ask how to destroy a tank in one shot refering to the ammunition rack but i changed my mind and didnt spot the mistake i made. soz :)
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Tier 1 - Loltractor

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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyFri Jun 03, 2016 12:35 pm

You know what i meant anyway
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The_Lone_Hunterz [Niels]
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The_Lone_Hunterz [Niels]

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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyFri Jun 03, 2016 12:39 pm

I was refering to Cornish, but your point was clear yes
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Tier 8: IS-6

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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptyFri Jun 03, 2016 3:32 pm

guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread 951494062
You should use emoticons more. Then I'd know if you are joking or just taking the piss.
guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread 3038781541
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Kong_79 [Matt]
Kong_79 [Matt]

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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptySun Jun 05, 2016 12:14 am

He said it in Cornish. It's a different language. Just has all the same words.
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Kong_79 [Matt]
Kong_79 [Matt]

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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptySun Jun 05, 2016 12:19 am

Will, to kill someone in one shot is mostly luck. It helps to know where the ammorack is located (different places on different tanks) but you'll generally only ammorack someone if you have a very big gun, and you hit the rack, and then you get lucky.
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Tier 1 - Loltractor

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guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread Empty
PostSubject: http://wotguru.com/weak-spot-guides/ This will tell and show you all you need to no about were the weak pots are hope this helps   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread EmptySun Oct 30, 2016 8:58 pm

WillHolyoakeBrown wrote:
Hey guys, any advice on how to which sector of the tank is the weakest and recieves the most damage when shot!
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PostSubject: Re: guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread   guest chat aka phoenix spammers thread Empty

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