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Home of AFK (Active Frontline Klan) and IRMA (It Really Means AFK)

Hy! Welcome to AFK and IRMA ;)This is the official forum for AFK and IRMA members, and tankers interested in joining us.
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 Request to join AFK

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Request to join AFK Empty
PostSubject: Request to join AFK   Request to join AFK EmptyFri Dec 23, 2016 5:51 pm

Hello. It's ID_007
New player coming from Asia server. ID in Asia :jklaywtj

I want to join the clan. I have read all conditions. U can test me..
I was playing in all tier as u can see in jklaywtj
It's a new account so the record might be very useless

THX for hearing.
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Tier 8: IS-6

Posts : 437
Join date : 2015-11-06
Age : 55
Location : Cornwall, bordering England

Request to join AFK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Request to join AFK   Request to join AFK EmptySat Dec 24, 2016 8:19 pm

Can you tell us a bit more about yourself please, just to help us understand if you would be a good fit for our clan.  Stats aren't as important as your personality.
Also, can I ask why have you started playing on the EU server?
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Frodo Nifinger
Tier 7: Comet
Frodo Nifinger

Posts : 169
Join date : 2016-03-14
Age : 59
Location : Denmark

Request to join AFK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Request to join AFK   Request to join AFK EmptyWed Dec 28, 2016 6:57 pm

Hy ID 007!
Do you speak english and can participate vocaly in events like clan nights?
Irma/AFK is more about socializing than just stats, so if you only speak an asian language this would be a problem for us!
Tell us a bit more!
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PostSubject: Re: Request to join AFK   Request to join AFK Empty

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